<aside> πŸ’‘ This guide was initially brought to the community by β€£


Steps to bond more tokens to the collator:

  1. Mint Liquidity on app.mangata.finance


  2. Open Subscan on your mint liquidity extrinsic


  3. Go inside extrinsic via extrinsic hash: Example link: https://mangatax.subscan.io/extrinsic/0xaf8a27765ff6114b7382fffe43220f846339c8c394282dba5cc5e60898c3b4ff

  4. Scroll Down to events and open liquidity_minted event Bottom number is amount of liquidity you got - copy it somewhere


  5. Schedule bond increase: Visit the UI: Developer β†’ Extrinsics

  6. Wait for 2 sessions (1 session on the testnet is 6 hours)

  7. Execute bond request: Visit the UI: Developer β†’ Extrinsics